
Confession of a writer who lost her mojo

Have you stopped writing? I asked this question from myself. Did I just loose a little talent that I have. In the past I used to always tell myself if only I had the time, I would write this and that and what not. And now when I actually have time, I haven’t written anything, how ironic it is and then I go on to blame my surrounding that nothing inspires me anymore. Inspiration that used to struck me out of nowhere and forced me to bleed on the paper has just disappeared. No matter what I read, no matter how many walks I take, no matter what kind of media I consume. At its best the inspiration will appear like bubble and quickly burst under the routine/boredom of grown-up life. Let’s do laundry first, prepare healthy meal first, count the steps first, stretch first, file tax first, take care of doctor’s appointment first, immigration document first, listen to your supervisor first, investment first, crypto first, news first. In amidst all that first, the bubble which does appear from time to time burst quicker than I could even feel its existence.

And then I looked at the other angle. What was the subject that I used to frequently write about, Love? I guess one doesn’t need inspiration to write about love. All you have to do is pay attention to your surroundings, human response and put them into the words. And if want to write poetry then just sew the same words in the thread of wind chime and let it produce its magical sound. If it is easy to write about love, then why I haven’t written yet? I did, I did a lot but didn’t publish any of it because suddenly all of it didn’t make sense to me. Writing about romanticized love is easy but writing about love in social construct is all together a different thing.

It is easy to immerse yourself in bubble thought of nice and shiny things, feel good events, watching sunset together, dancing in the rain together and what not. The list will go as long, as you would want to make. The romanticization of love is an escapism. And we need that because real life is hard and full of unfair events. But where do we draw a boundary between a feel-good illusion to take real life decision based on that illusion. The more I read about philosophers such as Alain de botton, psychotherapist Esther perel and many more studies published in various credible journals. The more I realize that what we think about the love is the time period and the culture we are born in. It feels like as if we are never going to truly understand how to move forward with the love. In the past, two people came together for convenience and by the time we reached to 19th century, in the west the same concept was frowned up. It was like pendulum has swing to other direction and convenience was thrown out of the window and replaced by romanticizing and how two people feel about each other. It was either convenience or feelings, either side of pendulum. Did that movement produce more happy and stable marriages? We don’t know exactly because how much divorce was accepted in the society also plays important role. Did it increase the marital satisfaction, yes but for short amount of time. Do keep it in mind that I am only mentioning here west culture because it is easier to find studies on their time period and the change is quite evident which makes it easier to study and draw a conclusion from that. Going back to discussion, convenience and romanticization alone didn’t make much of progress in terms of overall satisfaction. Fast forwarding to 21st century where west began to implement both concepts. It has not perfected it yet, but we have better understanding about things now. Isn’t it the whole point of history is to understand things better? Especially don’t repeat things which has gone wrong. A clinical Psychology doctoral student named Ana has discussed many studies about stable and long lasting relationship and all of those studies involves the combination of past movements. It is so important to have financial security and both partners need to have some outlook towards money while it is equally important to respect each other and have clear stating boundaries what works for one. The more I read and explore these studies the more I think we might have found a better solution, but we are still not there yet to the level of complete formulation of that ‘this will guarantee to work.’

When I got this much understanding about Love it is hard for me to write about it from just fairytale point of view. May be one day I might publish my old written material but for now I guess I grew up and I prefer to delve in the complexity of love from social construct angle rather than ‘just’ feel good angle/or pure emotional responsive way.

Day3 Feb 27, 2022

Got busy with work so, I didn’t get the chance to post. However, that doesn’t mean I didn’t track my food. I am a diligent person (ahm…ahm…).

Protein pancake with whipped cream and blueberries (didn’t calculate calories)

whipped cream was only 40 cal and it was so satisfying. Get the low fat version of it and eat it like treat.

Butter Grit with roasted chilli, 100 cal, (amazing yum, it tasted like popcorn and was so satisfying)

You may ask what is roasted chilli. My mum used to make it and it will just add flavor to whateveryou are eating. This was my first time to make it. I was nervous because it was my first time, it was chilli and I couldn’t find any video or article about how to prep it. I just went with my gut and thank god I didn’t burn the house, phewww.

I took 3 jalapenos. They are the most hot peppers I could find. Slit them from middle, avoid cutting them completely, just a deep enough slit. Fill this slit with salt, just eyeball it. Sprinkle some olive oil and leave it on low flame. Toss them once in every 5 min. until their water starts to evoporate.

And this is how they will look like in the end. I know not so pretty but really good for flavor enhancing. I have medium heat tolerance and they worked for me. I didn’t feel so spicy.

2 tortia wraps, 100 cal pic, 10 gram prt
2 tbsp hummus, 140 cal, 4gram protein
4 tbsp paneer (cottage cheese) bhurji, 120 gram, cal? prt?

Random corn chips with salsa and hummus (too busy in eating didn’t care about tracking info)

1 almond today as well (lol!)

Leftover french style cheesecake musse, 150 cal

Burger with swiss chesse, 400 cal and some fries on the side (I didn’t eat all of the fries just some)

Wayback Burgers (I actually liked it and I don’t like fast food. I can come to this place again. This store has chains all over the USA. Fun fact: it was founded in Newark, Delaware.

It was hard to calculate accurate calories and nutritional info because I didn’t prep the food. This is my third day and everyday I am having new understanding a new angle that why my food habits changed now. Today I am realising that lack of variety is also a big factor me gravitating for chips and chocolate. I was surrounded by so many variety of food, you name it, countries like Mangolia, Vietname, Thailand, South Korea, China, Japan, Loas, Turkey, Italy, France, Myanmar, Spain and more etc. All of them have very rich food culture and it was readily available to me in student price (affordable price). However, I don’t have access of this kind of variety at present. It is not easy to start making other countries food just by watching youtube videos. I mean you might can suceed for few recipes but not for all. The amount of effort it takes to buy each ingredient for the recipes and time put in prep and cooking is a lot. I feel like my days, weeks, all of my free time is going into thinking about what next I want to eat. That’s the kind of cooking I don’t want but I still want variety. This is my journey to figure out things and it requires time and patience.

There is no point to calculate total cal and protein today. They were all over the place. It’s ok, the whole point of creating the food library is not to be focused on cal and macros for now. The goal is to start eating food everyday.

So, overall what I have learned until now:

1. Cook meal in advance, don’t wait to cook meal until you are hungry.
2. Include varity, flavors and ingredients.

Food Library Day2

Coffee (made in home by french press and listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCaR6hHnM3U)

1 ginger candy-15 cal
2 Belgian biscuits, 80 cal
Haemul pajeon,(with red wine vinegar) 400 cal, 30 gram prt
1 medium apple, 95 cal

Greek yogurt, 170 gram, 90 cal, 17 gram prt
Cabbage peas stir fry (1/4th of prep I ate) 86 cal, 4.25 gram prt
1 tsp olive oil, 40 cal
957 mg cabbage head, 223 cal, 12 gram prt
100 grm peas, 81cal, 5 gram prt.

How green they are, so cute ❤
It went well with greek yogurt

1/2 Macademia nut cookie, 80 cal

1 protein bar, 90 cal, 10 gram prt
kidney beans 70 gram, 300 cal, 16.8 gram prt.
1 tomato, 200 gram, 36 cal, 1.8 gram prt.
2 cheese slice 160 cal, 8 gram prt.
2 handful of cheese cracker….(didn’t track calorie)
1 almond (lol, if I remember it then it has a place in my food library)
French style cheesecake musse, 350 cal, 4gram prt.

Total cal 1782 and total protein 108.82 gram.

I feel like it is difficult for me to completely cut off sugar or chips even after building my habits. Like I need their lil presence. The only difference I see thatI didn’t go full crazy like yesterday. Going through this list of food tells me that how much cooking in advance also helps. If I didn’t have all these meal cooked, I would be reaching out to random food and easy to gravitate towards chips. I also go through phases where I eat 800- 900 cal to 3000 cal. I hope writing about my food habits will help me to build a good habit and find a balance.

Food library Day1

Where do I start COOKING? I hate it, until now. Now, I am trying to coexist with it. It all started when I moved to new country (again) USA. My relationship with cooking was always like we can’t see each other eye to eye, and it worked so far because of the availabilities in my surrounding, cheap, and good meal.  But then I landed on the land of fast food, burger and pizza land and I was forced to cook. It took me 1.5 years to come to terms with that ok fine, I can do it. However, from last 1 month I have been eating packets of chips and tons of chocolates daily. I didn’t want to eat food. I just wanted to munch on all kinds of chips and chocolates. On top of that everyone was keep gifting me chocolates, cookies and what not, so it didn’t help either. I mean look at the below pic, can you blame me.

This month is about to end, and I must set myself straight. Forget about calories and other nutrition, I need to start eating food and stop surviving on chips, coffee, and chocolates. So, I thought to start this food library where I could upload what I ate on daily basis for the accountability. I hope this works. It has too because the amount of sodium and sugar I am consuming is just not good for my body. I went for grocery shopping, and I got myself all kinds of veggies. I don’t know what I will do with them. I didn’t have specific plan before buying them, but I spend half of my night that what I am going to do with them. I like to eat veggies and seafood a lot. I grew up in vegetarian household, so it is easy for me to just recall my mother’s cooking from childhood and implement them. I will be making food predominately with Indian style recipes but with my twist because I want to save time and unnecessary calories from oil.

Alright, it is time for me to create my food library. Ready, set go…..

Day1 feb 25 2022

Coffee….120 cal, 4 gram prt.

Kidney beans (rajma), 70 gram, 300 cal, 16.8 gram prt.

Haemul pajeon, I followed this recipe (https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/haemul-pajeon)

Green onion, 75 gram, 32 cal

All-purpose flour, 30 gram, 110 cal, 3 gram prt.

Sea food, 112 gram, 110 cal, 21 gram prt (watch out for cholesterol level)

1 egg, 72 cal, 6 gram prt.

Oil, I don’t know what amount I put.

Left side was binded better because added egg in the flour mixture. Right side one didn’t bind well bez I added whisked egg on top of it. Left side tasted better and cooking on low flame helped it too.

This is the first time I cooked Haemul Pajeon. It brings lots of good memories. I remember watching coffee prince drama with my roommate when I didn’t know Korea was a country. Fast forward to that I was living in South Korea and one day I got served this food. I didn’t know what it was called. I only saw it in drama, and I thought Life is so unpredictable. I used to watch this dish in the drama and here I am sitting in this country eating this food.

This takes lots of time to cook and prep. On top of it, this dish requires a significant amount of oil that I would like to use in my food, so, I don’t know if I would like to make it frequently but once in a while I can cook it.

1 medium Apple, 95 cal

Oats, 190 cal, 12 gram prt.

Greek yogurt, 170 gram, 90 cal, 17 gram prt.

1 cheese slice, 80 cal, 5 gram prt.

1 kcup chai latte, 90 cal

Total 1289 cal and 84.8 gram prt.

I am very proud of myself that I didn’t eat chips and chocolate today. For a day1 this is a good progress. I just need to continue to be like this.

Edit- Nevermind I ate 1500 calories worth of choclates, chips and hummus. I thought I was able to control my cravings but it went into full blown. I guess that is why I created food library to track my munchings.

Unloved Child

Couldn’t resist the sound of keyboard and found myself here again after God knows how many months. I thought it is going to be a dead ‘hobby’ but here I am again pouring my thoughts and hoping to find some logical connection in between them.

I read somewhere that, ‘An unloved child will burn the whole village to feel its warmth.’ And then I ended up watching the long awaiting ‘Kingdom: Ashin of the North.’ It is solely based to avenge her father but there is that one scene where Ashin stand on the roof of a house while feeding that majestical plant to Joseon people and watch them turn into wild animal (aka jombies). And the one who tried to escape she shot one by one with her arrows. Not a single word was said by her but the satisfaction attained to take avenge and the pain from all those years just made me thought that if there could be any picturization of ‘An unloved child will burn the whole village to feel its warmth’ then it has to be this very moment.

I am again back with writing on death if not then involving death in my writing. It is so natural that I end up including this gory subject one way or another. I remember last time I wrote some poetry and I ended up making my readers worry and I just stopped writing after that. This is where I find myself writing it is difficult for me to write about sunshine all the time. However, exploring dark dungeons seems more intriguing.  

But this time I am taking a little turn and wound ponder in human psychology. As Alain de botton says or as how I put them into words that, ‘A wounded adult is often coming from a wounded childhood.’ Lack of resources, finances, physical abuse and worse of all sexual and emotional abuse because one can not even show their sign unlike physical abuse.

And then there are other sayings like, ‘An Apple doesn’t fall far from tree’ or ‘We are product of our circumstances.’ AS true as these sayings are individually but if you combine them together it doesn’t make any sense. Can one heal or progress regardless of their life started? Should we have faith that they will not turn out like the tree they are born from? Such a paradoxical situation yet true in its own sense. I pondered around my own questions from days and came up with conclusion.

Yes, one will carry some things from where the person is born, be it family, culture and then some things are decided by individual. What do we decide to carry and what we don’t, How we decide to move forward is an individual choice.

So, an apple doesn’t fall from a tree. The answer is yes and no.

We are product of our circumstances. The answer is yes and no.

At the end of the day, it depends on what choices do we make. Our surrounding restricts us, our trauma gives us wound that we suffer lifelong. But even in that making right choices help us to flourish. But we must choose our own path.

Like Ashin chose in ‘Kingdom: Ashin of the North.’ She decided to avenge her father’s death from Joseon and Jurchen both upon knowing the truth rather than choosing one side.


Why I am in this?

Am I waiting for him to turn into Indarjeet?
Or he has already?

I am scared, I am scared with every hair of my body.
I am scared to talk to people, I am scared to think about anything that will upset him.
I am scared that he overpowers me and don’t even let me be angry.
Even anger is not mine, it is controlled by him in the name of care, love and protection.
I am scared to discover that I like being in toxic relationship.

Toxicity seems so familiar and I call this love?
It is eating my soul bit by bit and leaving me with impaired decision making.
And here I am unable to walk.
Feel like a cripple with legs,
It is like I know what is happening but still I am not leaving
I am not leaving because it feels familiar?
Feels familiar to be victim?
What has happened to me?
Why I don’t have courage to walk away?

Because I also need warmth even if it is coming from a poisonous cup.
Because deep down I feel that I am the reason why things didn’t work out in the past.
Because I have understood that this is how world is and this is my place.
Because I am tired of fighting to elevate my place.
Because it is not the work of an individual or even a generation,
May be this is the reason that my body and mind has withdrawn now,
Only a sense of fear exists now inside of me.

I am afraid that he will hit me one day,
I am afraid that he can do anything with me,
I am afraid of him and yet unable to leave like a crippled with legs.

Can you make him stop?

Can you make him stop?
Can you stop him so that he never comes back in my life again?
Can you stop him as if I never met him?
As if he never existed in my life.
She looked at him directly with pain in her eyes,
All this she said without uttering a single word,
And there he was standing, frozen, unable to move,
Unsure about his own intentions.
She looked at him again, this time she smirked,
She knew about his dark intentions,
She was just watching it to come out all at the surface.

You hurt me, I want you to go

I told you to not to hurt me this much,

I told you to not to dominate on me this much,

I told you to be understanding,

But all you did what you always wanted,

You wanted to use me as a vessel for everything,

For letting out your anger,

For letting out your own insecurities,

For satisfying your twisted desires,

And then telling me that you ‘expected that’.