Food Library Day2

Coffee (made in home by french press and listening to this

1 ginger candy-15 cal
2 Belgian biscuits, 80 cal
Haemul pajeon,(with red wine vinegar) 400 cal, 30 gram prt
1 medium apple, 95 cal

Greek yogurt, 170 gram, 90 cal, 17 gram prt
Cabbage peas stir fry (1/4th of prep I ate) 86 cal, 4.25 gram prt
1 tsp olive oil, 40 cal
957 mg cabbage head, 223 cal, 12 gram prt
100 grm peas, 81cal, 5 gram prt.

How green they are, so cute ❤
It went well with greek yogurt

1/2 Macademia nut cookie, 80 cal

1 protein bar, 90 cal, 10 gram prt
kidney beans 70 gram, 300 cal, 16.8 gram prt.
1 tomato, 200 gram, 36 cal, 1.8 gram prt.
2 cheese slice 160 cal, 8 gram prt.
2 handful of cheese cracker….(didn’t track calorie)
1 almond (lol, if I remember it then it has a place in my food library)
French style cheesecake musse, 350 cal, 4gram prt.

Total cal 1782 and total protein 108.82 gram.

I feel like it is difficult for me to completely cut off sugar or chips even after building my habits. Like I need their lil presence. The only difference I see thatI didn’t go full crazy like yesterday. Going through this list of food tells me that how much cooking in advance also helps. If I didn’t have all these meal cooked, I would be reaching out to random food and easy to gravitate towards chips. I also go through phases where I eat 800- 900 cal to 3000 cal. I hope writing about my food habits will help me to build a good habit and find a balance.

Published by Phdifestyles

I am a researcher (PhD student) who loves to travel, cook, dance and talk about social issues. I created this blog to talk about how to manage life in and outside of lab. I will be writing here about any topic whether it's related to my work, lifestyle or social issues. So, stay tune for cheeky articles. Hope you all will enjoy my writing.

2 thoughts on “Food Library Day2

    1. Accounting food gets really difficult because life is so busy. I don;t think so I can invest this much time everyday but for now I am trying to do it for as many days as possible. Thank you for stopping by!


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